국립부경대학교 | 공과대학 화학공학과





플로리다 주립대 (2001/08/14 ~ 2006/08/12, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida)

화학공학 박사            

논문 제목: “Growth of low work function materials using aerosol-assisted metalorganic chemical vapor deposition”

지도교수: Tim Anderson


포항공과대학교 (1993/03/02 ~ 1995/02/15)

화학공학 석사

논문제목: “Electrostatic interactions in concentrated colloidal dispersions”



서강대학교 (1989/02/21 ~ 1993/02/22)

화학공학 학사        

부경대학교 (2011/03/02 ~ 현재)


에너지소재공정 연구실 (Energy Materials Processing Lab.)

강의과목물리화학1, 물리화학2, 열역학반도체화학공정 (주요과목), 유체역학,

기계적분리조작석유화학공업 (기타과목)


삼성 SDI (2010/01/16 ~ 2011/02/28)

중앙연구소 기반기술랩책임연구원


삼성전기 (2007/09/15 ~ 2010/01/16)

중앙연구소 eMD (electronic materials & devices) 책임연구원


National Institute of Standards and Technology (2006/10/01 ~ 2007/09/03, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA)

Guest scientist in Metallurgy division/MSEL (Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory)


삼성전기 (1999/10/16 ~ 2001/07/10)

중앙연구소 AE (analytical engineering) 과장


삼성석유화학 (1995/02/27 ~ 1999/10/15)

중앙연구소 공정개발팀대리

리튬이온전지 전극물질 개발

해수 중 보론 회수

- CO2 저감 제철기술 (유동환원을 이용한 DRI 제조)

계산화학 (반응 메카니즘흡착에너지 계산 등)

등록된 내용이 없습니다.

1. “Phase-dependent Performance of Lotus-root Shaped TiO2 Anode for Lithium Ion Batteries (LIBs)”, Appl. Surf. Sci., 508, 145237 (2020).


2. “Thermodynamic Analysis on the Aging of THPP, ZPP and BKNO3 Explosive Charges in PMDs”, Energies, 12, 209 (2019).


3. “A Combined Study of TEM-EDS/XPS and Molecular Modeling on the Aging of THPP, ZPP, and BKNO3 Explosive Charges in PMDs under Accelerated Aging Conditions”, Energies, 12, 151 (2019).


4. “Study on the Aging Mechanism of Boron Potassium Nitrate (BKNO3) for Sustainable Efficiency in Pyrotechnic Mechanical Devices”, Sci. Rep., 8, 11745 (2018).


5. “Aging Mechanism of Zirconium Potassium Perchlorate Charge in Pyrotechnic Mechanical Devices”, Nanosci. Nanotechnol. Lett., 10, 735 (2018).


6. “Aqueous Boron Removal by Using Electrospun Poly(vinyl alcohol)(PVA) Mats: A Combined Study of IR/Raman Spectroscopy and Computational Chemistry”, J. Phys. Chem. A, 121, 2253 (2017).


7. “Photocatalytic Decomposition of Toluene by a Cylindrical UV Reactor with Helically Installed TiO2-coated Perforated Planes”, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 50(7), 589 (2017).


8. “Enhanced Boron Removal Using Polyol Compounds in Seawater Reverse Osmosis Processes”, Deswater, 57, 7910 (2016).


9. “Ionic Liquid Tethered Post Functionalized ZIF-90 Framework for the Cycloaddition of Propylene Oxide and CO2”, Green Chem., 18, 2479 (2015).


10. “Simple Preparation of Lotus-Root Shaped Meso-/Macroporous TiO2 and Their DSSC Performances”, J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 448, 467 (2015).


11. “Fabrication of Glass-free Photoelectrodes for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs) by Transfer Method Using ZnO Nanorods Sacrificial Layer”, Mater. Lett., 132, 27 (2014).


12. “Comparative Investigation of Polyhedral Water Cages of (H2O)n(n = 20, 24, and 28) Encaging CH4 and SF6 as Guest Molecules”, J. Chem. Phys., 441, 128 (2014).


13. “Amino Acid/KI as Multi-functional Synergistic Catalysts for Cyclic Carbonate Synthesis from CO2 under Mild Reaction Conditions: a DFT Corroborated Study”, Dalton Trans., 43, 2023 (2013).


14. “Combined Embedding of N-doping and CaCO3 Surface Modification in the TiO2 Photoelectrodes for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells”, Appl. Surf. Sci., 285P, 789 (2013).


15. “Relationship between HOMO Energy Level and Open Circuit Voltage of Polymer Solar Cells”, Organic Lett., 13, 2185 (2012).


16. “Effect of the Rutile Content on the Photovoltaic Performance of the Dye-sensitized Solar Cells Composed of Mixed-phase TiO2 Photoelectrodes”, Dalton Trans., 41, 1284 (2012).


17. “Pore Size Effect on the Photovoltaic Performance of the Dye Sensitized Solar Cells Composed of Mesoporous Anatase Titania”, J. Power Sources, 196, 3678 (2010).


18. “Organic Photosensitizers Based on Terthiophene with Alkyl Chain and Double Acceptors for Application in Dye-sensitized Solar Cells”, Energy Fuels, 24(06), 3676 (2010).


19. “Computational Study on Transamination of Alkylamides with NH3 during Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition of Tantalum Nitride”, J. Cryst. Growth, 311(14), 3587 (2009).


20. “Computational Study of Adsorption, Diffusion, and Dissociation of Precursor Species on the GaN (0001) Surface in GaN MOCVD”, Surf. Sci., 603(4), L31 (2009).


21. “Growth Mechanism of Catalyst- and Template-free Group III-nitride Nanorods”, J. Cryst. Growth, 310(16), 3735 (2008).


22. “Computational Study of the Gas Phase Reactions of Isopropylimido and Allylimido Tungsten Precursors for Chemical Vapor Deposition of Tungsten Nitride and Tungsten Carbidonitride Films: Implications for the Choice of Carrier Gas”, Chem. Mater., 20(23), 7246 (2008).


23. “Equilibrium Analysis of Zirconium Carbide CVD growth”, J. Cryst. Growth, 307(2), 302 (2007).


24. “Growth of ZrC Thin Films by Aerosol-assisted MOCVD”, J. Cryst. Growth, 304(2), 324 (2007).


25. “Decomposition of Aryl- and Alkylimido Precursors for the CVD of Tungsten Nitride: a Combined Density Functional Study and Experimental Study”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 128(42), 13781 (2006).
