국립부경대학교 | 공과대학 화학공학과





2014.03 - 2019.08            Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, UNIST (Advisor: Prof. Ja Hun Kwak)

2010.03 - 2014.02            B.S., Nano-bioscience & Chemical Engineering, UNIST

2021.09 - Current           Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Pukyong National University


2020.03 - 2021.08            Post Doc, Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto (Advisor: Prof. Ya Huei (Cathy) Chin)


2019.09 - 2020.02            Post Doc, Chemical Engineering, UNIST (Advisor: Prof. Ja Hun Kwak)

Heterogeneous catalysts design, physicochemical characterizations of catalysts, gas-phase reaction and kinetic studies.

등록된 내용이 없습니다.

1. Y. Yang‡, J. Lee‡, R. Dorakhan, H. Nie, G. Fu, A. Quarantotto, J. Y. Howe, Y-H (Cathy) Chin* (‡ equal contribution)

"Structure and methane oxidation reactivity of bimetallic Pd and Pt nanoparticles”

Appl. Catal., A2021in press

2. D.G. Oh‡, J. Lee‡, E. Kim‡, E.J. Jang, J.M. Kim, J.H. Kwak* (‡ equal contribution)

“Pd/SiO2 as an active and durable CH4 oxidation catalyst for vehicle applications”

J. Ind. Eng. Chem, 202199, 90-97.

3. E.J. Jang, J. Lee, D.G. Oh, J.H. Kwak*,

"CH4 Oxidation Activity in Pd and Pt?Pd Bimetallic Catalysts: Correlation with Surface PdOx Quantified from the DRIFTS Study"

ACS Catal202111, 5894-5905.

4. J. Lee, E.J. Jang, D.G. Oh, J. Szanyi, and J.H. Kwak*

“Morphology and size of Pt on Al2O3: the role of specific interactions between Pt and Al2O3

J. Catal, 2020385, 204-212.

5. J.H. Kim, D. Shin, J. Lee, D.S. Baek, T.J. Shin, Y.T. Kim, H.Y. Jeong, J.H. Kwak, H. Kim*, and S.H. Joo*

“A general strategy to atomically dispersed precious metal catalysts for unravelling their catalytic trends in the oxygen reduction reaction”

ACS Nano, 202014, 1990-2001.

6. J. Lee‡, M.Y. Kim‡, J.H. Jeon, D.H. Lee, K.N. Rao, D.G. Oh, E.J. Jang, E. Kim, S.C. Na, H.S. Han*, J.H. Kwak* (‡ equal contribution)

“Effect of Pt pre-sintering on the durability of PtPd/Al2O3 catalysts for CH4 oxidation”

Appl. Catal., B, 2020260, 118098.

7. E.J. Jang, J. Lee, H.Y. Jeong, and J.H. Kwak*

“Controlling the Acid-Base Properties of Alumina for Stable PtSn-based Propane Dehydrogenation Catalysts”

Appl. Catal., A 2019572, 1-8.

8. J. Lee, E.J. Jang, H.Y. Jeong, and J.H. Kwak*

“Effect of number and properties of specific sites on alumina surfaces for Pt-Al2O3 catalysts”

Appl. Catal., A 2019569, 8-19.

9. J. Lee, E.J. Jang, H.Y. Jeong, and J.H. Kwak*

Critical role of (100) facets on γ-Al2Ofor ethanol dehydration: Combined efforts of morphology-controlled synthesis and TEM study”

Appl. Catal., A 2018556, 121-128.

10. J. Lee, J. Szanyi, and J.H. Kwak*

Ethanol dehydration on γ-Al2O3: Effects of partial pressure and temperature”

Mol. Catal. 2017, 434, 39-48.

11. J. Lee, E.J. Jang, and J.H. Kwak*

Acid-base properties of Al2O3: Effects of morphology, crystalline phase, and additives”

J. Catal. 2017, 345, 135-148.

12. J. Lee, H. Jeon, D.G. Oh, J. Szanyi, and J.H. Kwak*

“Morphology-dependent phase transformation of γ-Al2O3

Appl. Catal., A 2015, 500, 58-68.

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